Saturday, January 10, 2015

To My Incredible Readers

Dear Reader, humbled and astonished by the number of people who have taken the time to read my blog and have returned!  I surprised myself by starting this blog not long ago, it is something I knew I should do; yet, for longer than I would like to admit; I stuffed the slightest thought of writing about my illness and the struggle I have with it, away in the back of my mind, unwilling to become exposed and vulnerable.
                In fear, I hid; I fought hard to remain hidden.  To my shock, once I posted my first entry I become acquainted with a fear that scared me more than the terrible things people might say about me.  Worse than hiding would be to speak, and to reach out to whoever will listen; then have no one care to read what I have to say, or take time to understand. I am happy to say this thought was a lie, people do care, and more people than I ever dreamed would care.
                Deeply, honored, that you are here with me dear, Reader. In light of so many people from all over the world finding their way here and joining this Journey Up with me. I am delighted to say that I am ecstatic about this blog! My anxiety is still through the roof and this is not easy for me; however, I am committed to the cause and look forward to walking along this path hand and hand with you.
                Having no idea how to start or set up a blog, I did it anyway! Now that I have so many people’s attention, I am egger to improve my blog and turn it into something pleasant and interactive for you. This blog is for you, just as it is for me!
               I encourage you with all the zeal of my heart; for you to comment, ask questions, to voice your thoughts; I gladly accept advice for this blog, how I can improve it for you? I am here for you in everyway I can. I would love to hear your stories and experiences and truly begin this Journey UP together.
Thank you dear Reader, looking forward to hearing from you,
With love, Hope



  1. Your writing makes it easy to read and understand more of what the illness is and does. I was going to write it makes it enjoyable to read, but it's not enjoyable to read about the suffering of a dear friend. It is enjoyable to read about the achievements and how you are progressing even through the valleys please continue to post when you can. Continue your journey we are here.

    1. It is always wonderful to hear that someone else enjoys your efforts and achievements. Your encouragement and comments help build confidence and courage. I am glad you are here with me and that my writing helps bring understanding.


Anonymous comments are welcome! What do you think? I would Love to hear from you! An open dialog is encouraged! Leave feed back, questions, opinions, share your stories and experiences. I am excited and eager to hear what you have to say! ~Hope